Kratom Recipes! - Wild Leaf

Recipes for Using Kratom Powder and Extracts

  • Prepare This No-Bake Oreo Kratom Pie.
    • Combine 4 big tablespoons of kratom powder and a half portion of a 15.5oz No-Bake Oreo brownie mix (make sure it's no-bake so there's no flour to cook)
    • For extra texture, you can add in a cup of your choice of nuts
    • If you are using kratom extract, combine at this point with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (or more) to blend the dry ingredients into a batter
    • Mix the batter well. Once done, place the batter into an 8-inch aluminum pie plate
    • Put in the refrigerator to set the batter first, then transfer it to the freezer

Diluting your kratom extract or powder into any recipe would not reduce its effects. The kratom alkaloids can withstand extreme temperatures and are safe to mix into your drinks or food. It takes at least 10 to 15 minutes for kratom to “kick in” though, and the effect might vary per person. 

  • Mix Kratom In Your Morning Yogurt.

If you’re too busy to enjoy the benefits of kratom in the morning, why not introduce it in your to-go yogurt? Kratom powder blends well with dairy products. Simply stir your dose of kratom into a regular cup of plain or flavored yogurt. If you’re feeling fancy, you can turn your yogurt into a festive fruit salad by adding diced fruits like peach, mango, or kiwi. Remember to transfer it to a covered mason jar so it’s ready to pack in your bag for later. 

  • Blend Kratom In Your Power Smoothie
    • In a blender, add 1 cup of coconut milk
    • Add your choice of fruit
    • Try adding in a scoop of protein powder for extra nutrition
    • Add a cup of crushed ice
    • Spoon in your dose of up to 5 grams of kratom powder
    • For sweetness, add one tablespoon of raw sugar or honey
    • Blend all the ingredients 1-2 minutes
    • Store in an individual takeaway cup

If you are not into chocolate, why not try a different option? The bitter taste of kratom powder will be masked by the rich coconut milk in your delicious smoothie. You may also add some seasonal fruits, like blueberries or strawberries for an improved taste. 

  • Add In Your Oatmeal
    • Put 1 cup of dry or instant oats in a bowl
    • Add up to 7 grams of kratom powder
    • Heat water or milk
    • Stir the heated water or milk into your bowl of oats. Wait 3-5 minutes until oatmeal is cooked
    • Add brown sugar, honey, or stevia to sweeten. You can also add a spoonful of peanut butter if you choose
    • For texture, add some blueberries or nuts

Not just for breakfast, oatmeal can also be a fulfilling snack for those hungry moments. Adding in your energizing kratom powder or extract will give it an extra boost. Add more milk or cream if the oatmeal tastes a bit gritty. 

  • Or Just Add Kratom To Your Favorite Tea With Some Honey Or Sugar!!!